This section will guide the admin through completing the team attendance on the Louman Website.
• Admin must be logged into the system
• Team must exist on the system
Complete employee attendance process
Step 1: Select the team’s option on the side bar.
Step 2: Select the manage team members button for the specific team in the team’s detail table on the team’s detail screen.
Step 3: Select attendance bottom on the manage team screen.
Step 4 : Click on the radio button in the table to mark either present or absent for each employee. If absent give a reason for absenteeism.
Step 5 : Click on the Save button to proceed saving the attendance to the system or the Cancel button to stop the process.
• Click the manage team members button on the team detail screen in the table.
• Select the attendance bottom on the manage team screen
Field |
Test Data |
Select employee |
John Smith |
• Mark either the present r absent option by clicking on the radio button and give a reason for absent employees in the team attendance table.
• Click on the save button on save the attendance.
• Click the Cancel button to return to manage team screen.
You have now learnt how to successfully compete an employee attendance for a specific team.
In order to successfully complete the attendance only one radio button (either present or absent) can be checked for each employee
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