Help > Team details > Adding of a team
Adding of a team


This section will guide the admin through adding a new team on the Louman Website.


Admin must be logged into the system

Adding a new team process

Step 1: Select the Teams option on the side bar.

Step 2: Select the add button on the Teams detail screen.

Step 3: Enter information in all the empty text fields, all fields need to be populated with the correct information relating to the team item being added.

Step 4 : Click on the Save button to proceed with the team addition or the Cancel button to stop the process.

Step 5: Click on the yes button on the confirmation notification to confirm the addition or the cancel button to return to the team details screen.


        Click the Add button on the Teams detail screen.

        Submit a new team detail with the following details:


Test Data

Team name

Team 1


This team is run by Luis



Maximum employees


Start time


End time



        Click the save button to add the team.

         Click the Cancel button to return to team detail screen.


You have now learnt how to add a new team successfully with its corresponding details.

        In order to successfully add a new team all, the required fields need to be provided in the correct format.

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